# Introduction


A Minecraft Server Status Panel

Steve (opens new window) is a Discord bot that tracks your Minecraft servers. Built in the Node.js environment and the discord.js (opens new window) library, Steve aims to provide an easily accessible and well displayed status panel for your server.

# Invite

Invite Steve to your Discord server here (opens new window). Run /setup and follow the setup instructions.

# Enable server querying

# Vanilla Servers
  • In your server.properties file, set enable-query to true.
  • In server.properties, ensure query.port is the same as server.port.
  • Ensure the query port is port forwarded if not using server port.
  • Save and restart the server.
# Bungeecord Servers
  • In config.yml, set query_enabled to true.
  • In config.yml, ensure query_port is the same as server port (host port)
  • Ensure the query port is port forwarded if not using server port.
  • Save and restart the proxy.
# Unable to use Query

If you cannot enable query on your server, run /setup query <True|False to enable or disable querying. When query is disabled, Steve will instead use server pinging. Note that this may break some functionality (Player list will not be shown on Bungeecord servers).

# Use the Setup commands

/setup ip <SERVER IP> | Set the server IP (URL also accepted)

/setup port <SERVER PORT> | Set the server port (Default 25565)

/setup name <SERVER NAME> | Give your server a name

/setup footer <FOOTER MESSAGE> | Set a footer message for your status panel

# Finish

Setup is complete! Run -mc status to display the server status panel. More commands can be found here or by typing -mc help in your Discord server.

# Self Host

If you would like to host the bot yourself, instructions on how to do so can be found here.

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Last Updated: 1/2/2022, 3:22:31 AM